Stephanie Moxley is the owner and founder of Moxley Public Health (MPH) Consulting. Stephanie first began her career in public health 20 years ago as a health educator and program coordinator focused on HIV/STD prevention at the GO GIRL! Program at Bronx AIDS Services in Bronx, New York. After discovering her passion for the field of community public health, she moved to Boston and continued her education and training at Boston University School of Public Health. During graduate school, Stephanie was chosen for the HIV Social and Behavioral Sciences fellowship, worked full-time as a research assistant in a youth alcohol and marijuana study conducting motivational interviewing, was the president of PHAM (Public Health Alliance for Minorities), and completed her internship conducting health education at a rural community in Jamaica. Following graduate school, Stephanie worked on several projects from the local level all the way up to CDC federally funded projects.
Stephanie has committed her career to focus on health promotion, addressing health disparities and inequities, and working to improve the health of both rural and urban communities. Stephanie seeks to understand a problem and finds a solution that is driven by data and evidence-based practices. She is experienced in collecting both qualitative and quantitative data that is efficient and useful, conducting needs assessments to identify both the assets/resources of a community along with their gaps/areas for improvement, and using data to effectively and thoughtfully implement a program with a strong evaluation plan. Additionally, Stephanie seeks to build organizational capacity by training others to conduct various public health skills. Interwoven into Stephanie’s work, is her innate ability and love of creating collaborations that improve the health and lives of people in a community.
Stephanie holds a Master of Public Health with a concentration in Social and Behavioral Sciences from Boston University School of Public Health and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Hunter College in New York City.
Stephanie shows love by cooking for others, is an avid podcast listener, is a passionate reader, enjoys networking and bringing people together, learning about other cultures and ways of thinking, drinking coffee, and sharpens most of her skills and learns new ones by being the mother of four daughters.
Consulting company that conducts needs assessments and implementation strategies
Conducting health needs assessments course in the field of public health to discover and then address unmet health needs in a community.
Data delivery in the field and in academia for research methods course at EHESP (Paris, France campus), the national public health graduate university in France.
Work in close collaboration with a cross-site mental health team in Haiti to produce materials necessary for planned trainings. The materials created include didactical materials for training on the Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and Substance Abuse curricula, such as Power Point presentations, facilitators’ manuals, participants’ manuals, pre/post tests, training evaluations, and other various training materials. The project includes working with the local team to ensure that materials are adapted to Haitian context, target specific populations, and are translated into either Creole or Haitian-French.
Provided content expertise for the Office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in order to perform the rigorous evaluation of promising intervention grant applications received in response to funding opportunity announcements.
Collaborated in developing and executing coordination of Covid-19 contact tracing in Logan County.
Assisted in the preparation of Logan County Health District’s Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) report which was informed by their community health needs assessment.
Served Samburu Girls’ Foundation in Kenya, Africa as team-leader for writing activities in order to apply for a grant to the Roddenberry Foundation. These activities included literature reviews, qualitative and quantitative data collection, and interviews with staff and other stakeholders.
Contracted with the Office on Women’s Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in order to apply professional experience to review several grant applications received in response to funding opportunity announcements.
Developed and implemented an evaluation plan that collected both quantitative and qualitative data in order to demonstrate the impact that the program has on its participants.
Worked as a consultant at John Snow Inc (JSI) in both the Boston and Denver offices. JSI is a large public health consulting firm that addresses public health problems worldwide and has projects in all 50 U.S. states.
Served as the evaluation consultant for The New England Training Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (NETCAPP) which was a project funded under the HIV Integration and Other Preventive Services into Reproductive Health Project by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The goal of this project was to work with organizations throughout New England to select, implement and evaluate Science-Based Approaches (SBA) to prevent pregnancy, HIV and STI infection in adolescents. Stephanie’s responsibilities included evaluating NETCAPP’s progress with partner organizations and their ability to provide the partners with TA and training sessions. Furthermore, Stephanie provided TA and training sessions to the partners around using their data and needs assessments to select and evaluate science-based programs.
Developed monitoring and evaluation field guides for Comprehensive Risk Counseling and Services (CRCS) and Project START, two of the CDC’s selected evidence-based interventions (EBI). The CDC began the EBI project in order to increase the capacity of community-based organizations’ and local and state health departments’ ability to implement evidence-based interventions to reduce HIV and STDs.
Technical advisor to Adolescent Family Life (AFL) grantees. As the TA, she identified relevant training needs and topics for AFL project providers and staff, funded through the U.S. DHHS, Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs and focused on prevention of adolescent pregnancy and interventions for pregnant and parenting adolescents and their families, recommended appropriate experts in the field for presentations, and provided logistical support for technical assistance workshops, net-conferences and e-learning training modules.
Served as the Technical Advisor for the evaluation of HIV prevention activities at the Rhode Island Department of Health. Responsibilities included training and technical assistance on data collection, process and outcome monitoring, content development and grantee training toward implementation of a client-level web-based HIV prevention process monitoring data system, and technical support in the transition to the CDC Program Monitoring and Evaluation System (PEMS).
Served as a consultant to the Logan County Health District in Ohio to initiate a coalition and assisted in the development of an emergency preparedness plan targeting special needs populations.
Assisted in the adaptation of Healthy Relationships, a risk reduction DEBI (diffusion of effective behavioral interventions) targeting HIV positive patients in Russia. Developed protocols and measures related to conducting a needs assessment, implementation, process evaluation, and quality control adherence.
Developed, implemented and evaluated a healthy living curriculum for adolescent girls in a rural village in Blue Mountains and currently serves as board member of the organization.
Developed and organized a curriculum to train individuals on motivational interviewing for the hospital setting.
Conducted needs assessment of community and population, and evaluated and refined the GO GIRL! Program curriculum titled “Get A Life” (adapted from RAPP – Real AIDS Prevention Project, a DEBI - Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions). Assisted in the preparation and implementation of a BDP (Best Demonstrated Practices) conference. Developed and executed a weekly program for high-risk youth in the Bronx that promoted HIV/STD prevention, self-esteem building, conflict resolution, and violence prevention. Empowered youth by orchestrating volunteer opportunities and advocated for youth in Juvenile Probation System, ACS, Department of Education, and in medical concerns.